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Urinary Support helps to aid the body's immune response to acute urinary disturbances, including those brought on by emotional upsets and stress. It aids healthy urinary function, kidney health and normal muscle tone. 


Recommended dosage:

Acute: Take 1 dose every 15 minutes for up to 6 doses, and then up to 3x daily if required. Stop on the change of symptoms.


Ingredients: Homeopathic Aconite 30C, Ignatia 30C, Cantharis 30C, Belladonna 30C, Gelsemium 30C, Thuja 30C, Pulsatilla 30C, Berberis vulg 6C & Equisetum 6C.


Available in pillules or drops.


Pillules contain sucrose, and liquids contain spring water and brandy.


Homeopathic remedies are safe for use in all ages, including babies, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Urinary Support

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