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Watery discharges from noise and eyes; sneezing. The moment a cold is beginning, start with Cold Pills, invaribly, this clears the condition at once.

People often ask for a stock of the Cold Pills to keep at home since they find that their children who were constantly getting colds are now much better after a day or two on this remedy. 


Recommended dosage: 

1 dose 1x daily.


Ingredients: Homeopathically potentised: 

Aconite - coryza; much sneezing; nose stuffed up; eyes watering

Allium cepa - eyes burning, smarting and watery; nose sneezing with a fluent watery, acrid discharge (as when peeling onions)

Euphrasia - eyes; acrid lachrymation; nose; profuse, fluent coryza

Gelsemium - cold beginning with a chill up and down spine; sneezing; fullness at root of nose; watery; excoriating discharge


Available in pillules or drops.


Pillules contain sucrose, and liquids contain spring water and brandy.

Narayani Colds 6X

$14.00 Regular Price
$11.20Sale Price
This remedy is made to order within 24 hours
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