Anaemic, chesty children.
Recommended dosage:
1 dose 3x per day, over a period of 2-3 months. Use after acute conditions have been dealt with accordingly.
Ingredients: Homeopathically potentised:
- Kali mur - expectoration, thick and white, difficult to cough up, chronic catarrhal condition of middle ear, throat, nasal catrarrhal with swollen glands, very enlarged tonsils
- Ferrum phos - throat, tonsils and ear problems, with inflamed bronchi
- Oleum jec - great chest remedy; dry hacking, tickling cough
- Nat sulph - pain through left lower chest - always worse going from dry to wet
- Lung, Mucus Mebrane and Bronchi - to regenerate the tissue in the respiratory tract
Available in pillules or drops.
Pillules contain sucrose, and liquids contain spring water and brandy.
Narayani Chest Tonic 200C
$14.00 Regular Price
$11.20Sale Price
This remedy is made to order within 24 hours