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Bronchi, lungs, tonsils, asthma, cough.


  1. To be used long term to strenghten a weak chest in children or adults
  2. For someone who has a chronic chest condition, or having repeated bouts of heavy chest bronchitis etc.
  3. These four salts, apart from repairing and maintaining repair in the respiratory system, are geared as a combination to deal with any acute attack
  4. From the first stage of fever and mild expectoration, to infection and suppuration or to asthma attacks.


Often parents will report, "he started with a cold - we gave him this remedy frequently and in a day it cleared. Previously, he would have gone down with a severe attack of asthma or bronchitis (or whatever the case might be)".


Recommended dosage: 

1 dose 3x per day, over a period of 3-4 months, reducing to 1x daily as symptoms improve.


Acute: 1 dose every 30 minutes until improvement is seen


Ingredients: Homeopathically potentised: 


  • Kali mur - grey/white mucous; enlarged, swollen tonsils, almost closing throat, rattling phlegm; asthma;loud coughing
  • Ferrum phos - susceptibility to chest troubles; bronchitis in children; hard, dry cough; expectoration of pure blood in pnuemonia; first stages of inflammation
  • Nat sulph - great chest remedy, especially for the lower left lung; expectoration thick and yellow; feels every change from dry to wet; any dampness addects the chest; every cold brings on asthma
  • Silicea - tonsils; expectoration thick, like pus; suppuration of throat, tissues and chest


Available in pillules or drops.


Pillules contain sucrose, and liquids contain spring water and brandy.

Narayani Chest Tissue Salts 200C

$14.00 Regular Price
$11.20Sale Price
This remedy is made to order within 24 hours
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