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Homepathic Chamomilla is one of the most useful remedies for teething children, and is characterised by oversensitivity to pain.


While this is an excellent teething remedy, it is also great for colic, colds, earaches and fevers where the symptoms agree.


The picture of Chamomilla will be one of irritability, oversensitivity, restlessness, heat and wanting to be carried or rocked. 


Chamomilla can also be of tremendous help during labour, when the labour pains seem unbearable and the labouring woman is angry, despairing, irritable and feels she cannot go on.


In breastfeeding mothers, Chamomilla can once again come to the rescue when the nipples are tender, inflamed and so painful that the mother is irritable and unable to feed her child.


  • Very irritable, distressed, restless, oversensitive to pain & only settle when carried
  • Stools may be green, slimy, hot & undigested
  • Teething with diarrhoea & one red cheek while the other is pale
  • Worse for bring spoken to, touched
  • Better for bring carried, rocked, uncovered


Recommended dosage:

Acute: Take 1 dose every 15 minutes for up to 6 doses, and then up to 3x daily if required. Stop on the change of symptoms.


Ingredients: Homeopathic Chamomilla 30C.


Available in pillules or drops.


Pillules contain sucrose. Liquid remedies contain water and brandy.


Homeopathic remedies are safe for use in all ages, including babies, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Chamomilla 30C

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