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Primarily associated with symptoms related to suppuration, skin issues, and chronic inflammations, Calcarea sulphurica is indicated for individuals who suffer from suppurations, slow-healing wounds, and skin conditions associated with discharge.


Calcarea sulphurica is characterised by its efficacy in addressing suppurations, particularly those with slow discharge and delayed healing. It's used for chronic inflammations and skin issues with a tendency to form pus.


Individuals requiring Calcarea sulphurica might exhibit symptoms such as slow-healing wounds, abscesses or chronic skin conditions with yellowish discharge. It's also indicated for glandular swellings and chronic ear infections with discharge.


Emotionally, Calcarea sulphurica individuals may feel irritable or discontented due to chronic ailments or persistent discharge issues.


Symptoms tend to worsen in damp, cold weather and might improve with warmth or in dry environments.


Calcarea sulphurica symptoms exhibit a specific pattern of suppurations with slow discharge, chronic inflammations and skin conditions. Physical symptoms might include slow-healing wounds, chronic skin issues with discharge, glandular swellings and ear infections. Symptoms worsen in damp, cold weather and improve with warmth or in dry environments.


  • Suppurations with slow discharge, delayed healing
  • Chronic skin conditions with yellowish discharge
  • Glandular swellings and chronic ear infections
  • Emotional irritability or discontent due to chronic issues
  • Aggravation in damp, cold weather; improvement with warmth or in dry environments


Recommended dosage:

Acute 30C: Take 1 dose every 15 minutes for up to 6 doses, and then up to 3x daily if required. Stop on the change of symptoms.

Acute 200C: Take 1 dose as required. Stop on the change of symptoms.


Pillules contain sucrose, and liquids contain spring water and brandy.


Homeopathic remedies are safe for use in all ages, including babies, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Calc sulph

$14.00 Regular Price
$11.20Sale Price
Product can be made to order within 24 hours
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