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Primarily associated with respiratory distress, Antimonium tartaricum addresses conditions characterised by severe respiratory congestion, rattling cough and difficulties in expectoration. 


Antimonium tartaricum is indicated for individuals experiencing severe respiratory distress, marked by rattling coughs, and difficulty in expectorating mucus. They often feel extreme weakness, particularly during respiratory illnesses or in the elderly.


Individuals needing Antimonium tartaricum present severe respiratory conditions, including congested coughs, rattling in the chest and excessive mucus production. There might be a struggle to expel mucus from the airways, leading to a feeling of suffocation.


Emotionally, individuals requiring Antimonium tartaricum might exhibit exhaustion or lethargy, especially during respiratory illnesses. They might feel irritable or debilitated due to the severity of their respiratory symptoms.


Symptoms worsen with excessive mucus production, leading to difficulty in expectoration. There might be an improvement in symptoms when provided with external support or assistance in expectorating mucus.


Antimonium tartaricum symptoms are specifically aggravated by the accumulation of mucus in the chest, leading to a sense of suffocation and difficulty in breathing. There might be a betterment in symptoms with external help in expelling mucus.


  • Severe respiratory distress with rattling cough
  • Difficulty in expectorating mucus
  • Extreme weakness, especially during respiratory illnesses
  • Aggravation with mucus accumulation in the chest
  • Improvement with external support in expelling mucus


Recommended dosage:

Acute 30C: Take 1 dose every 15 minutes for up to 6 doses, and then up to 3x daily if required. Stop on the change of symptoms.

Acute 200C: Take 1 dose as required. Stop on the change of symptoms.


Pillules contain sucrose, and liquids contain spring water and brandy.


Homeopathic remedies are safe for use in all ages, including babies, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Antimonium tart

$14.00 Regular Price
$11.20Sale Price
Product can be made to order within 24 hours
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