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What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a holistic, natural health modality that reaches the root cause of ill health by aiding the vital force. It was discovered by Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago and is based around crucial principles which include the Law of Similars, 'Like Cures Like', energised remedies and a strong emphasis on individuality. 



homeopathic remedies and homeopathic materia media and medicinal flowers
homeopathic remedies: Aconite, Arnica montana and Hepar sulf

How does Homeopathy work?

The body's innate intelligence and vital energy force provide it with the ability to support its own health, when it is given the correct tools. 


By using in-depth questioning to tap into the body through its symptoms, the corresponding remedy is selected by using the Law of Similars. A healing response is then stimulated by using minute doses of the remedy which is individually matched to the body's needs.


Homeopathy works on the principle of the Law of Similars and “like cures like.” This means that a substance which can produce symptoms in a healthy person, will be able to cure a sick person presenting with similar symptoms.

How Can I Know Homeopathy Works?

Homeopathy has a history spanning over more than 200 years.

The Homeopathic Research Institute (HRI) is also dedicated to providing high-quality research on the efficacy of Homeopathy.


Throughout homeopathy's history, there have been many successful accounts and case reports documented, as well as placebo-controlled clinical trials completed to prove its efficacy.


Given homeopathy's side effect free, safe and gentle nature; why not come and experience this beautiful healing art for yourself and be your own judge.

What is Acute Homeopathy?

Acute conditions are isolated health concerns that are not related to ongoing chronic conditions. They will not have exceeded 3 months in duration, and usually have clear and distinct symptoms. 

What Can I Expect From My Acute Consultation?

The main focus with Homeopathy is to treat you as a whole person, and not to just treat a disease. I will listen to your story and ask you a variety of questions to gain a clear picture of your health, so I can provide the correct remedy (there are over 6000!). Your symptoms are vital to me as they are the looking glass into your bodies state of health.


These questions may include what was happening at the time of the conditions onset, what makes your condition better or worse, your particular likes or dislikes, how the condition is affecting you, and how your mental and emotional state is.


Following your consultation, you will be given a remedy to take, along with instructions on how to take the remedy, and how often.

Homeopathic Remedies

Remedies work on an energetic level and depending on your sensitivity, a shift in your symptoms may happen very quickly after only one dose, or may take more time and multiple doses.


When dispensing homeopathic remedies I follow the law of the Minimum Dose by using the smallest and gentlest dose possible to initiate a healing response within the body.

There are none of the serious side effects associated with homeopathy which can be seen in conventional medicines. 


Depending on the circumstances and your preferences, remedies can be given in liquid (mild 10% alcohol base with spring water) or pillule form (small sucrose pills).

How Do I Take my Remedy?

Homeopathic remedies are very easy to administer.

It is best to take your remedy at least 15 minutes before or after eating, drinking or brushing your teeth. Some people find it easiest to take the remedy right before going to bed.

When possible, it is also best to try and avoid coffee, camphor, eucalyptus and mint (many toothpastes contain mint), as these may anti-dote your remedy.


If you have been prescribed pillules, keep them under your tongue for at least 30 seconds before swallowing or chewing, and do not handle them with your fingers as this can rub the remedy off. If you’re using liquid remedies, drop a couple of drops or sprays under your tongue.

How Do I Store My Remedy?

Keep your remedy in a cool, dry, dark place, and away from magnets and electronic devices. Your remedy should also not be stored alongside any strong-smelling substances such as essential oils.

Will I Need a Follow Up Consultation?

If required, an acute follow up appointment will be organised, usually 1–5 days after your initial consult


All of your personal information and case notes are treated confidentially and are securely stored.

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